My firstborn was a terrible napper.
Despite trying so many different things, I resigned myself to the fact that the only way I could get him to rest during the day was to nurse him sleep in his dark room with white noise, and let him sleep on me. I found myself scrolling on social media and comparing myself to the Moms out there who bragged about how much they could get done while their baby slept so many house throughout the day. I felt defeated, like it was something I was doing wrong. I absolutely loved the snuggles, but felt trapped in the dark room when I was stressed about all the things I wasn't getting done. I also didn't have any "me" time to work out or get some rest throughout the day.
I can't remember exactly when, but one day instead of endlessly scrolling on my phone, I picked up my kindle , and started reading again.
Now, I've always loved reading, but throughout high school, college, and my master's program I didn't have the time to pick up a book I enjoyed. Between studying and sports and trying to maintain a healthy social life, reading for pleasure fell by the wayside.
Romance has ALWAYS been my favorite genre because I will always be a romantic at heart. I dove into reading love stories of all kinds, with all different tropes, and a wide variety of spiciness.
Instead of feeling trapped while sitting in a dark room, I was excited to relax and read my book while snuggling my baby at the same time! Without the constant scrolling on social media, I felt better about my parenting because, in my heart, I knew I was doing what was best for my little one.
Eventually my little guy became a better napper, and I had more time to do things like read, work out, rest, and drink a HOT cup of coffee in its entirety. This held steady until he stopped napping cold turkey at two 🫠 And, just like they always tell you, my youngest is a totally different child who absolutely loves naps (most days LOL).
Reading has transported me from the trenches of motherhood to fictional worlds with gorgeous book boyfriends and amazing heroines. These books hold within their words love, laughter, heartbreak, and a sprinkle of spice 😉. Each time I start a new book I fall in love with the characters, relish in their love stories, and most importantly I fall even more in love with this new version of myself.
At the end of a tough day as a mom, after the kids are asleep, I curl up with my current read and unwind.
Just remember, Mama, YOU are doing AMAZING 🤍
Being a Mom is a crazy beautiful journey, but remember to always do things for YOURSELF. Whether it's reading, workout out, shopping, baking , or even gardening be sure to find things you enjoy doing that fill up your cup.
When I take time for myself and feel fulfilled, I am without a doubt, a happier, sillier, goofier, overall better Mom.
My favorite Kindle: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite